As a young musician, you are exposed to loud music on a regular basis, whether it be in rehearsals, concerts, or recordings. Prolonged exposure to loud music can cause hearing loss, tinnitus, and other hearing-related problems. By wearing hearing protection, you can reduce the risk of these harmful effects and protect your hearing for years to come.

The purpose of this blog post is to educate and inform young musicians about the importance of hearing protection and how to choose and use it properly. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned musician, this post will provide you with valuable information to help you protect your hearing.


Various factors, including prolonged exposure to loud noise, age, genetics, and certain medical conditions, can cause hearing loss. In young musicians, hearing loss is most commonly caused by prolonged exposure to loud music and the effects of which will often not become apparent until later in life. This is why it is so important for children who are around loud music to use hearing protection whenever possible from an early age.


The symptoms of hearing loss can vary from person to person, but some common symptoms include difficulty hearing in noisy environments, ringing in the ears, and muffled speech. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to seek professional help as soon as possible.


The best way to prevent hearing loss is to reduce your exposure to loud noises. This can be achieved by wearing hearing protection when you are exposed to loud music, avoiding loud noises when possible, and taking regular breaks from loud activities.

There are three main types of hearing protection: earplugs, earmuffs, and custom-fitted earplugs. Each type has its own benefits and disadvantages, and the best type for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

When choosing hearing protection, you should consider factors such as comfort, noise reduction rating (NRR), fit, and ease of use. You should also consider the type of music you play; for example, rock and pop music is usually performed in a much louder environment than classical music due to the use of amplification to make their instruments louder.

For musicians in loud environments, earplugs with a high NRR and a comfortable fit are recommended. We recommend earmuffs for younger musicians as they allow for a better fit and higher protection for small ears. If you would like an earplug option, then a popular choice is silicone earplugs, which provide the best fit and noise reduction; they are easy to use and reusable and often offer custom attenuation levels. We recommend these for older students as they can often be uncomfortable for small ears.


As mentioned, it is essential to ensure that your hearing protection fits properly; without this, the hearing protection will dramatically decrease. This means that earplugs should be snug in your ear and earmuffs snug around your ears, with no gaps, and should not cause discomfort.

You should wear your hearing protection whenever you are exposed to loud music, including when you are watching a performance or during rehearsals and performing yourself. Doing this may seem like it could be more fun and exciting, but it will help reduce the risk of hearing loss and protect your hearing for years to come.

To ensure that your hearing protection lasts as long as possible, it is essential to maintain and store it properly. This means storing it in a safe and dry place and cleaning them regularly. This will not only save you money but will also ensure that the seal is working effectively.


In conclusion, hearing protection is essential for young musicians to protect their hearing and reduce the risk of hearing loss. By choosing the proper hearing protection, using it properly, and maintaining it, you can protect your hearing for years to come.

If you are a young musician, now is the time to take action and protect your hearing. Invest in quality hearing protection, and make sure to use it whenever you are exposed to loud music. By protecting your hearing now, you can ensure that you will be able to enjoy music for years to come.

So don't wait any longer; start protecting your hearing today!

If you are a professional musician concerned about your hearing, don’t hesitate to contact the Help Musicians about the Musicians Hearing scheme. 

Help Musicians are dedicated to helping musicians protect their hearing. They educate musicians on the importance of hearing protection and provide them with the resources they need to keep their hearing healthy. 

The Musicians Hearing Scheme has helped countless musicians protect their hearing and continue to enjoy music safely.