Earlier this year, Janet Elston, ensemble lead for CMST, was nominated by a parent for her service to music in Cornwall. Because of this, she was invited to a garden tea party at Buckingham Palace with the royals! Here is what happened in her own words:

Just before half-term, I had one of the most amazing experiences of my life—I attended the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace.

Back in February, out of the blue, I received an email from the Lord Lieutenant with the invitation. I was so surprised and astonished that, at first, I thought it might be a scam. It proved to be real, though, and so I started the search for an outfit, one that was a long way from my usual attire of jeans and wellies. I even had to wear a hat!

I was allowed to take one other person with me, so I invited my brother Robert, who I felt deserved it just as much as I did because of all his charity work. 

I had never stayed in a posh hotel, so we decided to do it in style. We stayed at the May Fair Hotel and finished the day with dinner at the Ritz. 

The garden party was absolutely fabulous despite the torrential rain. Along with all the other guests, we stood under our umbrellas dressed in our finery and shared our stories and an afternoon with the Royal family. The band of the Household Cavalry and the RAF Central Band entertained us just as royally, and the tea tent provided an outstanding afternoon tea, including scones with jam and cream.

As we all left the palace and tried to dodge the deep puddles in our best shoes, everyone was still happily chattering with excitement and agreeing that it had been the most special of days.