A musical thank you to the NHS

A musical thank you to the NHS

Ned Larrett, a pupil of Barbara Degener at Boscastle School, wanted to send a message to all the staff of the NHS, Here he is playing “Gypsy Fiddle” by Edward Huws Jones.

Cornish performers defy the suspension of live theatre.

Cornish performers defy the suspension of live theatre.

Over 200 Cornwall-based and Cornish-bred musicians and singers create a Lockdown recording of ‘One Day More’ from Les Miserables.

With the theatre world in complete shutdown and thousands of musicians and singers throughout the country being confined to their homes, an idea was put forward to bring performers in Cornwall together. Launched on Sunday 26 April, Lockdown Cornwall had responses from over 400 people of all ages and backgrounds wishing to become involved. Participants were sent directions to video their performance in their own home, along with a piano guide track and sheet music. Production team member Helen Hartshorne says “When Keith Edwards came to us with this idea, we expected to get 50-100 people. To see this number of participants is wonderful.”

The production team, who received over 17 hours of video, started editing straight away.  The orchestra track of 64 musicians - the size of a full symphony orchestra - was completed in less than 3 days. 21 soloists were then added to the track to share the 8 principal roles, followed by a chorus of 135. Trumpeter Sally Johns: “The wonderful camaraderie with people I've never met has been amazing. This experience is something I'll always remember with pride and gratitude when we look back at these strange times!”

Just 13 days after the project’s launch, the finished audio was premiered live on BBC Radio Cornwall on Saturday 9 May, with the full video completed and launched in the early hours of Wednesday 13 May, a mere 2 weeks since materials were sent out. Viewers are being invited to make a donation to Age UK Cornwall via the YouTube or Facebook pages.


E: lockdowncornwall@gmail.com

F: www.facebook.com/lockdowncornwall

I: @lockdowncornwall

T: @ldcornwall

CMST students feature in online streaming concert!

CMST students feature in online streaming concert!

You are cordially invited to an online concert on Saturday 23rd May 2020, 7:30p.m. in which, despite the current difficulties, you can enjoy performances by some of CMST’s most promising young musicians. Full details of how to ‘attend’ are below. Please share among your contacts and reach a potential global audience!

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Lockdown Cornwall Project - collaborative project to record 'One Day More' from Les Mis

Lockdown Cornwall Project - collaborative project to record 'One Day More' from Les Mis

An idea has evolved and a team has been put together consisting of Keith Edwards, Helen Hartshorne, Nick Long, Scott Watters and Matt Watters to produce a live, fully orchestrated and vocal version of 'One Day More' from Les Miserables during Lockdown.

We are therefore looking for an Orchestra, Soloists and Chorus members (who should be Grade 5+ to cope with the music) to provide us with a video of themselves either playing or singing to a pre-recorded click track in order for us to put the final version together.

Full instructions will be provided, together with the click track and sheet music, within the next few days. However, initially, we need you to complete this registrations form. Forms should be completed and submitted by 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday 29 April 2020. Following registration you will be added to a Facebook page and provided with the details for recording your part.

We have initially contacted theatrical societies in St. Austell, Truro, Falmouth, Helston, Redruth, Newquay, St. Ives and Penzance. We really look forward to your assistance in what we believe is an exciting and fun project during these crazy times we face.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact lockdowncornwall@gmail.com.

Please note, under-16s should give email and phone contact details for a parent or carer.

Thank you!

Singers' form

Orchestra form

Cornwall Music Service Trust (CMST) Statement #4 to all Schools, Students, Parents and Guardians - Reference: Online Resources Coronavirus: Covid-19

Cornwall Music Service Trust (CMST) Statement #4 to all Schools, Students, Parents and Guardians - Reference: Online Resources Coronavirus: Covid-19

April 24, 2020

Dear All,

As promised in my last statement I am now giving you further details of an online resource that has been created. 

Over the past week and a half I have been collating and compiling lots of materials and categorising these into areas of learning. All these materials and resources are, in the main, completely free of charge for you to access and use. There are obviously some recommendations for paid materials but these are only options and have been added just to make you aware that they are available.

I will continue to update this online resource and in the future we are going to develop the platform so that it is even easier for you to explore and find the resources that are most relevant to you.

Having 3 children at home I know how important it is for you and them to have engaging and stimulating resources. These resources allow for independent learning but also give you options to enjoy music making together too.

I hope you find this useful and do check in on the resource page on a regular basis as it will continue to develop and grow.

CMST Online Resources can be accessed here or by copying and pasting this address into your browser’s address bar: https://www.cornwallmusicservicetrust.org/online-resources

Best wishes and stay safe.

Gareth Churcher MA, LTCL (Hons), MAAT - Head of Service

Cornwall Music Service Trust

Cornwall Music Service Trust (CMST) Statement #3 to all Schools, Students, Parents and Guardians - Reference: ​Coronavirus: Covid-19

Cornwall Music Service Trust (CMST) Statement #3 to all Schools, Students, Parents and Guardians - Reference: ​Coronavirus: Covid-19

April 16, 2020

Dear All,

The commitment that CMST teachers demonstrate never ceases to amaze me. Even though we are all facing the challenges of homeschooling, trying to work from home and not able to see or be with dearly loved ones, I am aware that CMST teachers are still doing their utmost to keep in contact with their students and parents/guardians.

Furthermore, the creative minds and approaches of CMST staff are continuing to develop many ways to keep musicians, young and not so young, stimulated during this time of lockdown. All of this of their own volition.

To add to this a bank of online resources is currently being collated and will soon be available to you all via the CMST website. These resources are completely free of charge and further details on how to access them will follow in due course. This web page will be constantly updated so please revisit as often as you like.

Through all the challenges that they have faced, CMST teachers have still managed to collate and produce a newsletter for last term. You can access a high resolution version ​here.​ There is a lovely tribute to James Sargent, one of CMST’s Trustees, who we sadly lost before the Coronavirus pandemic written by David Fryer, Chair of Trustees.

CMST is facing extremely challenging financial times and it has been heartwarming to receive communications of support along with some very welcome donations from individuals and other organisations. If you feel that you can support us by giving a donation you can do so ​here.

The pandemic, for all its challenges, has also made us think about how we provide our services and there will be reforms that will last long into the future. I personally have been made to realise how important music is in my life and how I will appreciate so much more engaging in musical activities with others when normal life resumes.

Best wishes and stay safe.

Gareth Churcher MA, LTCL (Hons), MAAT - Head of Service Cornwall Music Service Trust

Cornwall Music Service Trust (CMST) Statement to all Students, Parents, Guardians and Educational Settings - Reference: Coronavirus: Covid-19

Cornwall Music Service Trust (CMST) Statement to all Students, Parents, Guardians and Educational Settings - Reference: Coronavirus: Covid-19  March 18, 2020

Dear All,

The past 48 hours has seen a huge escalation in the Coronavirus pandemic. This has meant that many educational establishments are not allowing visiting professionals or contractors into their settings whilst they endeavour to remain open.

Understandably some CMST staff have been asked to not attend or have been refused entry to their respective schools, colleges and other educational settings. These settings are in turn facing many challenges with reduced staffing levels, pupils having to stay at home due to self isolation and many other issues all of which have led to partial school closures.

As the pandemic develops I am sure that more educational settings will be forced to close and ultimately a Government led closure could follow. Please ensure that in the event of school closures that every effort has been made to bring personal instruments home.

For CMST this undoubtedly will lead to an interruption to our teaching delivery. However, plans and measures are already being implemented to continue, through creative and innovative approaches, the music education for our students. This will be a range of strategies for example online learning, pre-recorded video sessions, future workshops (when appropriate) etc. that will attempt to fulfill our educational and teaching commitments to our learners.

In terms of finance, I appreciate that we are all going to face challenging times. If you have fees that are outstanding please endeavour to settle your account as soon as possible. If you have concerns, please contact our office to discuss options that will be able to help support you. Please be aware, in light of the aforementioned strategies, that invoices will be issued for the next academic term in line with our usual practices.

We are liaising closely with all partners, including educational settings, to address any potential under delivery and again, will endeavour to fulfill our obligations to customers.

Gareth Churcher MA, LTCL (Hons), MAAT - Head of Service Cornwall Music Service Trust

Cornwall Flute Festival 2020 - POSTPONED!

Cornwall Flute Festival 2020 - POSTPONED!

Cornwall Flute Festival - due to take place this weekend (14th/15th March 2020) - has been postponed. We are hopeful that the event can be rescheduled for later in the year - perhaps in June although this will be kept under review.